Cost benefits
The longer you stay in a serviced apartment, the lower the price per night will be. With a stay of more than 30 days it is possible to realise savings up to 50% compared to hotels with similar furnishings/standards. Furthermore there are no additional costs such as brokerage and deposit fees, repairs and utility payments. Therefore serviced apartments offer a great advantage even when compared to rented and shared flats.
Performance Advantages
In a serviced apartment you don’t have to miss the advantages of hotel services, but benefit from cleaning services, maintenance and repair services. In addition many houses have fitness rooms and saunas.
High residential comfort
While in shared apartments and hotels often just one, small room is available, serviced apartments are equipped with a kitchen/ kitchenette and a living area with sofa and workplace.
A flexible tenancy is crucial, especially for business travellers when they are selecting the right accommodation. Serviced apartments offer rental periods ranging from one to 740 days and therefore are a perfect choice for business travellers.
Uncomplicated & Safe
Due to the fact that usually neither a lease nor a detailed self-disclosure is required, renting a Serviced Apartment is easy and quick. Furthermore, legal security is guaranteed.
Serviced apartments are a rapidly growing segment. Many advantages argue for this kind of accommodation, especially in comparison with other lodging possibilities like hotels, rented flats and shared apartments. So why don’t give it a try next time?