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Diversity in our team

We are the Acomodeans!

Who are the people behind Acomodeo?

Good morning, bonjour, buenos días, Goedemorgen: When you enter the Acomodeo office in the heart of Frankfurt, you hear many different languages: Indian, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, Croatian, Czech, Syrian, Dutch, French, English or Macedonian, many different nationalities and languages come together at Acomodeo and form our tribe of “Acomodeans”.

Nationality, gender, family situation, professional experience – We are all different but at all come together as one!

Frankfurter Schnitzel with green sauce, a bembel of cider; some of our employees have been in Germany for a longer time and have already settled in well. Others have just arrived in the country and are getting to know life in Germany in a new way. Since our CEO was born in Frankfurt, he knows the city very well and shares his knowledge, the best places to be and hidden gems to make sure we all feel at home quickly. And last but not least our colleague’s resident in other countries, like Mexico, Macedonia and India, are all fully embedded and are part of our gang.

So how diverse are the Acomodeans?

At Acomodeo we are a mix of very experienced professionals working together with some of us who have just finished their university studies. The age range is from 22 to 57 years!

In the breaks between employees exchange about the greatest stories of their student life, while others talk about their own children. Our mix between woman and men is 40%-60%, but everybody can be who he or she wants to be.

Food is important for us

Indian lentil curry, vegan falafel avocado salad, roast with dumplings and red cabbage, pasta with pesto or a baguette: our lunches are a complete global culinary experience! You can imagine the discussions we have about our food and the importance during the lunch break. Different nutrition’s of vegans, vegetarians and pescatarians; meet different nationalities. So all employees can always discover and try something from different countries or different kinds of nutrition.

What else do we do?

We have the world championship beer pong, organize jam sessions with the 2 musicians we have, have retro gaming sessions, share wine & finger food tastings, binge watch Rick and Morty, select the summer grill master, sing the European song contest through karaoke.............. but we mostly work.

So in summary: A fantastic group of people who enjoy life together, exchange a lot and are completely driven to make a difference!

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