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Trend towards booking on online platforms

Most business travellers take charge of their bookings themselves nowadays - for this purpose they favour online- platforms and booking tools.

Business trips are of great importance from a professional point of view. In 2015, the number of business travellers rose by 8.8% up to 11 million, as published by the „Verband Deutsches Reisemanagement e.V.“ (VDR) in its business travel analysis 2016.

According to Björn Hoffmeyer, Country Manager and Vice President of Global Commercial Payments at American Express, business travellers represent an important factor in the world of work, as business travel promotes not only the professional and personal development of employees, but also the effectiveness of their own work. This is also reflected in the current figures of the VDR and DRV.

When it comes to finding the widest range of offers, the best room rates and the maximum availability for business travel stays, according to VDR bookers increasingly rely on online-booking platforms (such as online travel agencies). The number of travellers who book their business trip online amounts in smaller companies (10-500 employees) to 26%, and in bigger companies (more than 500 employees) to 32%. Online booking tools are also used by bigger companies (25 %). 88% of the top and middle management travellers are booking their trips on their own. Only 12% place this task on the in-house travel management as the study “Chefsache Business Travel 2016” of Travel Management Companies in the German Travel Association (DRV) proves. The number of “self-bookers” grew by 8% compared to the previous year – with rising tendency!

65% of the business travellers book their business trips on their own instead of handing the task to business travel agencies. According to Stefan Vorndran, Chairman of the Business Travel Committee at the DRV, executives appreciate the advantages of the online platform of their travel experts. Speed, convenience and 24h-usability are the main reasons to book via online channels. In comparison, only 35% of the respondents prefer booking their trip by phone and name individual advice and direct personal information as advantages.

“The top executives of the companies don‘t want to unnecessarily waste their working hours with long travel preparations. For this reason, many people appreciate booking their trips comfortably at home or at weekends, without interrupting day-to-day business“, Vorndran states.

The Serviced Apartment industry also responds to this trend and offers online platforms that allow simple, easy and smooth booking. In order to make the traveller feel comfortable in the temporary accommodation, it is important to display all relevant information online and to offer a transparent, fast and uncomplicated search-and-book process. In addition, specialised portals such as Acomodeo, provide access to exclusive long-term rates with standardised cancellation terms and optimised payment options for companies, making the industry attractive to business travellers. Try it yourself on acomodeo.com!

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