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Our team introduces itself. Interview with Isabell Heller

Today we would like to introduce you to a very special person. Isabell is celebrating her 1 years’ anniversary and is thus the longest-serving employee at Acomodeo.

Who are you? Describe yourself in one sentence.
In many aspects quite normal, in other ways, versatile, chaotic or indescribable :)

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Radio moderator. It's not quite the same but here I can talk a lot as well :-D

If you could be a kitchen equipment, which one would it be?
A juicer!

Your task at Acomodeo:
Key Account Manager Sales

What my collegues say about me:
„Nothing is working without coffee in the morning!“
„Somewhere between escalation and pink clouds, that’s where you’ll find her.”

With whom would you like to be related?
Walt Disney!

What do you miss the most when you are not at home?
My bed! :)

My favorite apartment is …
The “Linnen” in Berlin. Beautiful old charming rooms with modern influences and great wall colors. Simply, unique, beautiful!

My time at Acomodeo in 3 words:
Exciting, nerve-racking, funny!

What I always wanted to say:
„Happiness is a state of mind. It’s just according to the way you look at things.” (Walt Disney)
„Go the extra mile!” :-D

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