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Operator News: SiteMinder Integration

We are delighted to welcome SiteMinder on board as a new partner for the expansion of our online offer

Providers who use the Acomodeo booking system are now able to manage and transmit their availabilities and rates centrally through SiteMinder’s channel management software to us.

As an interface between the Acomodeo ecosystem and existing software solutions of apartment providers, SiteMinder complements our portfolio ideally. ‘Many of our partners with whom we previously only worked on a manual basis have already been waiting for this interface. Thanks to the integration, this time-consuming process is fully automated now. There is no need to communicate via e-mail any longer and you can check availabilities and pricing in real-time’, said Acomodeo’s founder and managing director, David Wohde.

Eric-Jan Krausch, also founder and managing director, states: ‘With the SiteMinder connection, we finally have the possibility to represent the availability of the apartments in the short- and long-stay sector without additional expenses for the houses.’ Now apartment providers are able to offer short and long-term rates in order to ensure the greatest possible flexibility for the customers. Therefore our own Apartment Management System (AMS) provides the technical requirements by bundling and managing external and internal rates.

Get connected until the 28th of February 2017 and save the integration costs!

For further questions Aline will be happy hearing from you at aline.halbritter@acomodeo.com!

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